November 2020: COVID-19 Lockdown Update
Our offices are closed from November 5th
Hello to all,
As you will no doubt be aware the UK Government has announced a lockdown from 00:01am on Thursday 5th November until December 2nd.
Having checked all guidance it would appear that Estate and Letting Agents are going to be permitted to remain open throughout this coming lockdown.
This has put Town and Country Property Services in somewhat of a quandary. Whilst technically we can remain open, I personally have two young children who will still be attending school and some staff have family who work within the childcare sector who look after key worker children.
The quandary is a moral one and whether we can be sure that either I don’t transmit the virus to staff who could in turn pass this on to family and then onto other peoples children.
Because of the above information, and due to the fact that during the last lockdown we were able to carry out our roles remotely, I have taken the decision, in conjunction with all Directors and staff at Town and Country, to follow the UK Government Guidance and work from home. The guidance states to work from home ‘if you are able’ and we are able and so I feel we have a moral duty to do all we can to reduce the spread of the virus.
All staff will be working remotely and available on all usual methods of communication during normal office hours;
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
Fridays 9am to 4:30pm
We will be visiting the office at specific times for the collection of post, providing keys to contractors and receiving rents that are not paid via on line banking methods.
The office will remain staffed at certain times for the collection of post, providing keys to contractors and receiving rents that are not paid via on line banking methods. Please rest assured that you should not notice any change in the level of service provided to you and please contact me should you feel this does occur. If you need to come to our offices it is imperative that you contact us to make an appointment and you will not be permitted within the office itself.
The Government has made it clear that all maintenance can be carried out as long as tenants and contractors alike are all following UK Government Guidance in terms of social distancing, isolating etc.
For further information, guidance can be found here;
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me, and please take care of yourselves and loved ones during these strange times.
Kind regards
Stephen Chipp

Talk to us today
Call us today on 01273 771977 or email us to enquire about our letting and property management services or regarding renting a property.