Spring 2020 Newsletter
A little update from us
Dear all
Having been able to work well remotely, and having found some normality with my staff, I have been going over the more ‘usual’ aspects of our role and wanted to send you a newsletter.
There is some new legislation that will affect you – I hope you’re not getting bored of hearing from me??!!
I am confident all information that we have provided to you with regards to the Covid-19 crisis and subsequent lockdown adhere to Government Guidelines. Please refer to our dedicated webpage for further information about the Coronavirus.
My staff are really excelling in managing your properties and adapting to the challenges this situation is posing.
We have around 30 active cases of rent issues, although this fluctuates. We are liaising closely with those clients and tenants on a regular basis. We are also still discussing options with those of you whose properties remain vacant, or are having works carried out, and will continue to do so.
There are no easy answers but there are whispers that they want the housing industry to be one of the first to be allowed to start working ‘normally’ once the lockdown is relaxed – here is hoping!

From my own personal experience I am having definite good and bad days. I have just kicked myself up the backside to start doing some more exercise as frankly finding a local pub who delivers 3 litres of cask ale is not helpful on the belly department when you are sitting at home!! As a family it has been lovely sitting at the dinner table each night together and actually telling each other what we are grateful for.
My staff and I have been having Zoom meetings most days to discuss issues but this also gives me the opportunity to check they are okay. Its been really useful and if you’d like to have a face to face Zoom meeting, then please let me know. You may even get to meet my children!! Email me here to arrange a chat.
A new piece of legislation will come into effect as of the 1st July this year – The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.
This means that for rented properties in England, any tenancy created or renewed on or after 1st July 2020 will require an electrical inspection and an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) on the condition of the property performed by a qualified person. Renewals include statutory periodic tenancies that are created at the end of a fixed term on, or after, 1st July 2020.
For pre-existing tenancies an EICR will be needed for all before 1st April 2021 – basically all tenancies will have to have one ready for this date.
These reports are carried out every 5 years, unless specified at shorter intervals, and we are currently liaising with electricians qualified to undertake the works to obtain best price for you. It is worth noting that if installations are not ‘to standard’ works will have to be carried out to bring them to standard.

We have noticed a real interest in some of our posting on social media and it really does help in this digital age to have nice things said about you online – I don’t like to ask (I am going to!) but if you could find the time to follow the links below and leave a comment if you are pleased with our service we really would be most appreciative!
Our information on Covid-19 has been warmly received and I have been heartened by the comments received by many of you that have taken the time to contact me personally. Please do follow our social media and give us a ‘like’ or a comment. We are trying to keep some stuff light-hearted in these times so join in and add things that amuse you – but perhaps keep it clean!
Wishing you the very best wherever you are – stay safe!
Kind regards
Stephen Chipp
Talk to us today
Call us today on 01273 771977 or email us to enquire about our letting and property management services or regarding renting a property.